Received this lovely note which completely made our day! "We love our curves and so do our cats. We’ve had one installed in our family room for a few years. First one to the curve gets to nap there. Many times a cat goes up to the curve for a nap only to find that it’s already taken. So, we installed a second curve in the family room. But, brothers Dash and Jack-Jack get along so well that sometimes they share." Thank you Bob for sharing!
Had the most patient customer ever recently! The postal service took weeks to get a big shipment delivered to Carmen V. in Puerto Rico. Unfortunately we experienced the slow down for the first time. Sounds like she is making a cat Shangri-La and I am so excited to see the results!
This beauty is half Singapura and half Scottish Fold. Kai's mom, Yumie, says "thank you for designing the high quality products for cats and cat lovers!". Thank you Yumie for send these photos our way! It really makes us so happy to see happy furry and human customers!
Happy National Cat Day! Today we celebrate cats and bring awareness to the plight of homeless cats. I honor my Milo who was adopted from Sean Casey Animal Rescue and taken from us too soon. He was mischievous and fun-loving and would jump on my lap as soon as I sat down. Give an extra pet to your furry friends and appreciate their unconditional love or adopt today! Sue B. told me the shelf on the far right was purchased many years ago and her cats were always competing to be the first cat onto the shelf. The one on the left is the one most recently purchased. With five cats, both Curves are usually full. Guess you have to be quick to get a bird's eye view of their domain! Thank you Sue for sending!
I had a few conversations with Haruka Y. over Facebook prior to her buying Curve. She was writing all the way from Japan. I was able to send her installation instructions in Japanese (thanks dad!). She just moved into her new home and sent a photo. Love the contrast in colors/materials! Thank you for sending!
Hauspanther has released its 2016 Holiday Gift Guide for Cats and Cat Lovers. The beautiful guide is filled with so many of the best and modern cat products on the market. For the full guide, check it out here.
Chris D.'s cats previously had sliding glass doors to easily look outside. Lacking this feature in his new home, Chris says he searched for a solution but could not find anything appealing until he found Curve. I had a similar problem when I bought my first place. But I could not find any solutions, so that is when Curve was born. Beautiful home Chris, congrats! We're glad Curve made the cut. :)
We love this article by Andee Bingham via
5 Reasons Your Cat Loves To Perch by Andee Binghamon September 11, 2016 Providing places to perch is one of the most essential parts of building a happy and stimulating environment for your cat. Perching is so important, in fact, that if you don’t provide one, your cat will often create one herself on top of your dresser or on a shelf (she may even resort to pushing stuff out of her way). Have you ever wondered what drives your cat to perch? Here are five reasons. #1 – Out of reach from (imaginary) predators You know your home is safe. And deep down, your cat knows it’s safe too. Still, cats are always on the lookout for the potential danger of a lurking predator. From a perch, your cat gets a great view of her environment and keeps her out of reach from predators while she takes her mid-day snooze. #2 – Watch for prey I’d bet you make just as much effort to keep your home free from prey– mice, insects, etc.– as you do to keep it free from predators. They do sneak in every now and then though, and perching gives your cat the best seat in the house for spotting them #3 – Climbing is good exercise Just like you, cats need to stretch and move their bodies in order to stay healthy and strong. Having access to perches gives your cat plenty of opportunities to stretch and move her body with climbing, clawing, and jumping. #4 – Get away from (real life) nuisances Even when our homes are safe, they can sometimes feel overwhelming for cats. This can especially be the case if your cat co-habitates with other cats, dogs, or children. Perching offers your cat a valuable and untouchable respite from being touched, bullied, or played with. No matter how fun our homes and lives are, we all need truly restful sleep every now and then. #5 – It’s instinctual At the end of the day, the reason your cat perches is because it’s instinctual. Her wildcat ancestors perched as an essential way of staying safe in the jungle. Even though your cat lives in a completely different environment than her wildcat ancestors, those instincts remain strong and very much alive. How cute are these kitties? Zarina L. says her kitties simply adore their two Curves. We think they couldn't have made their opinion more clear. Thank you Zarina for sending these adorable photos!
This Curve had been in storage since Kara B.'s last kitty passed away. She recently rescued Mac and dusted it off. She said this photo was taken a couple of hours post installation. I think Mac has found his new favorite napping spot!
We've teamed up with our good friend, Kate Benjamin at Hauspanther to do a Curve giveaway through her site. Enter for your chance to win a Curve of your choice. The deadline to enter this week’s giveaway is midnight Pacific Time on Sunday, February 14, 2016.
An added bonus to receiving customer photos is learning about breeds we haven't heard about before. A Toyger is a breed to resemble a "toy tiger". As per Wikipedia, the breed's creator, Judy Sugden, has stated that the breed was developed in order to inspire people to care about the conservation of tigers in the wild. Thank you K. Ogawa for sending photos of your gorgeous kitties
It's been a long road to get back into production, but we have! Goods will be ready to ship by the end of November. Order yours now and we will ship as soon as they are ready.
We just had to post these adorable photos. The kitty and family are anxiously awaiting for the new Curve production to be ready while they also build a new house. We are too! New sample and fabric choices should be shipping this week! If all looks good, we will be off to the races.
Three Curves for three cats! We've heard about cats fighting when there are not enough Curves to go around. Not so with this set up! Looks like everyone is happy. Thank you Kaye B. for sending!
Milton is a 14 week old Russian Blue. How adorable is he? He is going to grow up to be one gorgeous kitty. Congrats Kim M. for your latest addition to your family. Here's to many years of love and fun!